
The 太阳2平台 photo contest was introduced with the hope that students would want to share their study abroad experience with friends and family. We believe that photographs are a great way of telling a part of the study abroad story. Do you have a story to tell? If you studied abroad, then the answer is 是的!


To take part in this contest you must be a Harvey Mudd undergraduate who studied abroad during the current academic year. 提交ted 图片 should depict locations and experiences from your time away.

Number and Format of Submissions

  • 你可以服从 三个 图片. Each photo may be submitted electronically or by mail (8×10″ prints). Photos may be color or black and white.
  • Please include a brief description of your image (who, what, where, when, why, if pertinent).
  • Electronic submissions must be of high-quality resolution (ideally 300ppi). 最好是, your camera is 三个-megapixel or larger and you have set it to produce the highest-quality 图片. Images may be submitted in JPEG or TIFF format. Low-quality 图片 may be disqualified.
  • Photos must be original work taken by you during the your study abroad program.
  • All forwarded materials become the property of 太阳2平台, which will enjoy full rights of display and circulation (with attribution to the photographer). If you submit a photograph, it is understood that you have granted this right. Winners will be notified during the upcoming fall semester.


Your photo(s) should capture an experience or record an observation abroad, not necessarily limited to your program site. 例如, an Australian Program student could submit a photo taken in Fiji during a weekend travel excursion. Apart from this requirement, there is no restriction in subject, theme or style. We encourage your photo submissions to take a creative approach. Whatever you chose, all submissions meeting the above eligibility requirements will be considered.

There will be 三个 winning entries eligible to receive prizes. Additionally, other entries may receive an honorable mention (recognition only). A selection of winning 图片 will be on display in the Hoch-Shanahan Dining Commons for all to enjoy. In addition, they may also appear in other areas of campus.

Application Process and Deadline

通过电子邮件提交图像到 studyabroad@peakuniverse.com, or by campus mail (for 8×10″ prints) to 留学办公室, Platt Campus Center. The deadline for entries is 8月. 22乘5.m. If you are still overseas at this point, please mail your submission(s) to:

Claremont, CA 91711